Factors Influencing Trust and Trustworthiness: Cosmetic Injectable Patient Experience Exploratory Study (CIPEES)

Factors Influencing Trust and Trustworthiness: Cosmetic Injectable Patient Experience Exploratory study (CIPEES)
A study published in 2022 by McDonald et. al. investigated both the important factors for building trust with cosmetic injectable patients and strategies for improving levels of trustworthiness in aesthetic practitioners.
A global study was conducted via an online survey. The survey collected 1488 responses across 75 countries, with 66% of participants completing all 15 questions. The respondents were 95.6% female and 4.4% male, aged 18 to >65 (median 33 years old). The number 1 ranked reason for being able to trust a cosmetic injector was qualifications and training, followed by the reputation of the practitioner and time spent by the practitioner with the survey respondent. The survey results support patient trust being built through credibility, reliability, and intimacy, with low levels of practitioner self-orientation.
The field of aesthetic medicine is unique in encompassing both a medical discipline and elective relationship, allowing invasive procedures on generally healthy individuals. Additionally, aesthetic medicine embodies a rapidly growing, competitive, often poorly regulated commercial market which may fail to protect the consumer. For this reason, trust cannot be assumed. In order to develop a lasting, mutually beneficial therapeutic relationship, trust needs to be consciously developed and nurtured by the practitioner. In cosmetic injectable patients, trust in the practitioner correlates highly with patient satisfaction.1
Aesthetic Surgery Journal Open Forum, Volume 4, 2022, ojac082, https://doi.org/10.1093/asjof/ojac082
McDonald CB, Heydenrych I. The importance of functional quality in patient satisfaction: cosmetic injectable patient experience exploratory study—part 2. Aesthet Surg J Open Forum. 2022;4:ojac044. doi: 10.1093/asjof/ojac044 Google ScholarWorldCatCrossref