Cosmetic dermal science and the gut skin axis

Cosmetic Dermal Science and the Gut / Skin Axis
The Gut Movie by Australian Journalist Kale Brock is selected as one of the learning resources as part of the Professional Certificate in Integrated Health and Dermatology. This certificate focuses on the gut/skin axis and is delivered exclusively by the Australasian Academy of Cosmetic Dermal Science for those who’ve completed a dermal therapy course or a cosmetic nurse course and/or are currently practicing in the field of aesthetics and health.
Medical research over the last decade have taught us a lot about how the gut microbiome influences our health, but this area of science can be expanded to also include skin health and dermatology specifically. There are a number of dermatologic skin conditions that are activated and/or worsened by gut dysbiosis (unbalanced gut flora). These dermatologic conditions include acne, eczema, psoriasis and rosacea, but also include cosmetic conditions such as wrinkles, skin laxity and pigmented lesions.
The aim of the Professional Certificate in Integrated Health and Dermatology is to expand the scope of practice for dermal therapists, cosmetic nurses and cosmetic doctors. For decades, aesthetic practice has been focused on the patient’s ‘external’ condition using medications, lasers, creams and other topical skin resurfacing modalities. These treatments still have their place however, when combined with adding specific foods for gut health and the reduction or elimination of ‘unfriendly gut foods’, aesthetic professionals can achieve optimal, long-lasting results.
The Gut Movie was chosen as a learning resource in the Professional Certificate in Integrated Health and Dermatology because it provides a well-balanced overview of the current research on gut health. “Students have reported that they’re thoroughly enjoying the Gut Movie as part of the course and love Kale’s unique way of presenting the information”, states Ekta Tandon RN, course coordinator for the Professional Certificate in Integrated Health and Dermatology.
The Australasian Academy of Cosmetic Dermal Science would like to thank Kale and his team for adding value to our students learning experience by producing such a professional and entertaining documentary…we can’t wait for your next documentary!
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